Monday 23 September 2013

A looking back, an early start up(3)

An old artwork

The Dreamy Drama

Nilotpal Sinha  Dreamy drama  Acrylic on canvas 30" x 20" (app.)  1989
Nilotpal Sinha     Dreamy drama     Acrylic on canvas     30" x 20" (app.)     1989

The dreamy drama from the past dreamy days!

I did this painting in the year 1989 when I participated first in my life in our first group show at Academy of fine arts, Kolkata that organized by the Lupt Cult (Let us paint together and cult from the culture). Lupt Cult was our second painters' group and this group  liquidated in 1990 after organising another one group show in that year. Those days that were mostly significant to me because of a stormy and argumentative mentality to quarrel each other by the all members of the group who had tried with their best effort to experiment on canvas for bringing out something that would become a new figurative approach and of course which had  indicated to the narrative style. At that time it was an ongoing process when few of us was thinking thematically to contain the mother complex, few were trying to go through the romantic ideas or following Avant-Garde movements too. All the major brain storming, crucial political and aesthetical debates that started more than nine years ago from that day had revived again. In the long run, incidentally I was then fallen into a complex condition and I could not find out the way how to and from where to start the solution on internal relation or conflict between form and content, somehow the painting that I continued daily in my studio. This is unknown till today whether that practice was right or wrong but it was truly not a transparent situation in that dreamy days from where the Dreamy Drama painted on canvas and showed in the exhibition by me.

Here is a fact that few years back from that time the acrylic color just appeared in the market and we had aggressively grasped comparatively the low-cost acrylic color as a new medium by replacing costly oil colors and we had no idea how to use acrylic on paper or canvas, neither the basic treatments nor any knowledge on method and materials and that way technically what we guessed, perhaps a foolish attempt, we started to work in acrylic abruptly, sometimes that resulted good to some extent, sometimes it happened a bad incidence. Though it appeared as fantastic color to every one of us as because of transparency and no need of any oil medium but the use of water only; even the easy access to brush up on the surface just like a brushing in water-color that we could feel a mixing of combined technique of oil and water-color treatment, in fact, the easy access to move from dark tone to light tone in oil or light tone to dark tone in water-color tecnique-use. In later period this medium became one and only one not only to us also to the contemporary artists in all over india. One of my reputed artist-friend, to whom acrylic is the most favorite medium, said in a joke that if the acrylic color would not be appeared in the market or not discovered by the company for the art world there were so many artists in India who had no possibilities of becoming an artist because of various causes. These funny words prove it to somewhat today too!

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